Rhyolite thrusts towards the sky with the ever-lasting glow of an ancient heat. Towering above dark green Palo Verde, mysterious saguaro and chaotic Cholla, the Superstition Mountains dwarf the tallest of desert dwellers in a supernatural way. A glowing red horizon halts darkness as rock radiates faint energy in the reflective light. The Earth’s shadows softens the darkening skies with a hue of purple. The setting was magical, the moment vibrant, all my superstitions surrendered to beauty. My head in the clouds, thoughts condensing around me, soon, it will rain. Storms are beautiful. Ideas mesh with language. A flash of lightning and words thunder out of me. The condensation pours outward and accumulates to philosophies, stories, visions, and planned journeys. So the darkness comes with a new, unique beauty. Confusion strikes as Cholla vanish in the night. Wirery limbs of Palo Vere dissipate into faint shadows overhead, glowing rocks lost in all their might. All that was visible is gone to the eye, but still present on other, deeper levels. Beacons of light flicker in the distant sky, some tease us with a false sense of direction, most slowly twist across the sky to remind us we never stand still. It is this movement that reminds me to flow. That the river flows on, passing every dam with the intention to flow on. Into the sand or into the sea, the movement is of beauty and love. With constant movement, there is always energy flowing through us. We sometimes block it, not allowing it to flow freely. With stagnation comes a false sense of stillness, confusion, and dizziness. As we let go and turn with the stars, we flow on and come back to beauty and clarity in what the world is, and what it could be. So we flow on with beauty, in which only beauty could be. Rest comes easy as the stars majestically twist pass the horizon. My superstitions fade into the dark as the mountains rise to the east. I don’t believe that these mountains provide a reason to be superstitious. They dominate the horizon with beauty and elegance, they live their lives with the intention of grace and beauty. They are magnetic to souls who carry the same intentions. With every rock moved on the peaks, beauty is manifested. As we all flow, learn from the mountains and flow with beauty, not superstitious that beauty will come to you.